Fidamar Supports Education in the Huanca Settlement in Ayacucho

With the goal of providing digital education access to underserved communities, we are pleased to announce the launch of the “Huanca Conectada” project, funded and executed by Fidamar. This project aims to provide educational resources through satellite internet to the educational centers of the Huanca settlement in the district of Santa Lucía, province of Lucanas, Ayacucho region.

Through the innovative educational platform Mundo Uayki, more than 350 users, including students and teachers, will directly benefit from this project, thus helping to bridge educational connectivity gaps in the district.

The equipment has been installed in the primary school N° 24397 “Cristo Rey” and the secondary school “Jorge Meier”, and training has been provided to teachers and students on its use. The sustainability of the project has been ensured through an interinstitutional cooperation agreement with the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Lucanas.

We would like to express our gratitude to our strategic partner, Uayki Technologies, for implementing the technological solution that makes this project possible. We are excited about the positive impact “Huanca Conectada” will have on the educational community.

At Fidamar, we remain committed to innovation in improving and reducing educational gaps in the communities of artisanal miners in our country.

Fidamar: Committed to the health of the residents of Atico

Thanks to our alliance with the San Juan de Dios Clinic in Arequipa, we were able to provide free medical care to more than 2,300 vulnerable residents of the Atico district, Caravelí province (Arequipa). These services were offered at Miguel Grau School on Friday, February 23, and Saturday, February 24.

Through the itinerant campaign “Mission Health Messengers,” we provided free health services with the assistance of about 40 healthcare professionals in the fields of general medicine, orthopedics, traumatology, gastroenterology, dentistry, gynecology, ultrasound, pediatrics, optometry, and laboratory. Additionally, free medicines were distributed for treatments.

The Atico District Municipality, the Atico Sub-Prefecture, the Atico Health Center, the Caravelí UGEL, and the National Police of Peru (PNP) also participated in this campaign. The support from local authorities has been essential to exceed the projected services and ensure the respective follow-up for cases requiring future attention.

We will continue working to promote equitable access to healthcare for artisanal mining communities in our country.

Fidamar: Great news for Secocha’s educational community!

Great news for the educational community of Secocha!
We are happy to share that more than 1100 students from the town of Secocha, in the province of Camaná (Arequipa), will benefit from the social investment made by Fidamar – International Fund to Aid Artisanal Miners, for the corrective maintenance of educational infrastructure and equipment of classrooms in the Educational Institution No. 40194 “Ricardo Palma”.

This project becomes a reality thanks to the inter-institutional cooperation agreement signed between Fidamar, the Regional Education Management of Arequipa (GREA) and the Local Education Management Unit (UGEL) of Camaná.
“Our objective is clear: to contribute to the educational community having adequate spaces and optimal conditions for the development of their activities during the 2024 school year. We are grateful for the support received from Cecilia Jarita Padilla, regional education manager of Arequipa, and Diego Martínez, director of UGEL Camaná, who recognize the importance of joining efforts between civil society and the State to close the existing educational gaps”, reported Fidamar.

Educational institution No. 40194 “Ricardo Palma” plays a fundamental role in local education for primary and secondary level students, being the largest educational center in the area.
At Fidamar, we are committed to the continuous improvement of educational services in artisanal mining communities, and we will continue working together to make quality education possible for all!

We thank the Municipality of Mariano Nicolas Valcarcel for recognizing us

Thank you, Mariano Nicolas Valcarcel municipality!

We are delighted to announce that we have been honored by the District Municipality of Mariano Nicolas Valcarcel (Camana, Arequipa) for our efforts in supporting the most vulnerable members of our community.

Our sincere appreciation goes to Mayor Wilian Alvarado Sanchez for this meaningful gesture, inspiring us to persist in our collaborative implementation of development projects. Together, we aim for a promising future in the communities of artisanal miners in our country.

Free medical attention for Chala and Atiquipa: Fidamar and San Juan de Dios Clinic provide medical care to more than 2,500 people

Once again, we have joined forces with the San Juan de Dios Clinic in Arequipa to provide free medical care to over 2,500 vulnerable residents in the districts of Chala and Atiquipa in the Arequipa region. These services were carried out on October 28 and 29 at the Hortencia Pardo Mancebo School in Chala, with the collaboration of the District Municipalities of Chala and Atiquipa, CLAS of Chala, UGEL Caravelí, and the National Police of Peru (PNP).

Through the itinerant campaign “Health Messengers Mission,” specialized services and medications were provided by more than 50 healthcare professionals in the fields of cardiology, general medicine, endocrinology, pharmacy, gastroenterology, gynecology, laboratory, ultrasound, dentistry, optometry, orthopedics, traumatology, psychology, and pediatrics.

With this activity, we once again reaffirm our commitment to the health and well-being of artisanal mining communities in our country. We express gratitude to the organizations that made this campaign possible and pledge to continue working towards equitable access to healthcare for all.

Success in Action: Fidamar Completes Improvement Projects in Education and Health in Arequipa

We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully completed maintenance and infrastructure improvement works, as well as the delivery of equipment and furniture, in the following educational and health institutions in Arequipa:

– Santa Rosa Initial Education Institution (I.E.I.), Atiquipa district, Caravelí province.

– Secocha Initial Education Institution (I.E.I.), Mariano Nicolás Valcárcel district, Camaná province.

– Iquipí Health Center, Río Grande district, Condesuyos province.

Our social investments aim to strengthen access to essential services for more than 3400 people and have included the construction of offices, improvement of sidewalks and perimeter walls, roofing of courtyards, improvement of sanitary services, equipment and furniture for psychomotor, pedagogy, and administrative areas, renovation of electrical systems, improvement of rainwater drainage on roofs, improvement of safety elements, and painting of environments.

The primary beneficiaries will be children aged 3 to 5 from the populated areas of Secocha and Santa Rosa, as well as residents in need of health care in the Río Grande district. Through these actions, we seek to contribute to the well-being and sustainable development of artisanal mining communities.

The results obtained were the outcome of coordinated work with the #UGEL Camaná, #UGEL Caravelí, and the Camaná-Caravelí Health Network.

Thanks to everyone who made this project possible! We continue working with passion and commitment to generate impact for the future in more artisanal mining communities in our country.

Battle against Anemia: Fidamar and Allies Deliver Medical Equipment in Arequipa to Benefit over 1,000 Children

As part of our commitment in the fight against anemia and malnutrition, we have delivered medical equipment and supplies valued at US$10,300 for the screening and treatment of anemia in children aged 3 to 5. These actions have been focused primarily in the localities of Secocha and Urasqui, as well as in the populated areas of Venado, Posco Misky, and San Martín, belonging to the province of Camaná, Arequipa region.

The Mariano Nicolás Valcárcel district municipality, health posts in the populated areas of Secocha and Urasqui, the UGEL Camaná, six educational centers in the area, and parents have actively participated in this initiative, assuming responsibilities and goals within the framework of the Local Articulation Instance (IAL).

The pilot plan will last for 6 months, and with this effort, we aim to have a positive impact on the lives of over 1,000 boys and girls.

“Together, with concrete actions and thanks to multi-stakeholder efforts through the IAL, we continue working for a healthier and more promising future for the children of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) communities. We appreciate everyone involved and the community supporting us in this endeavor,” Fidamar reported.

Nurturing the future of our children in Arequipa: together against anemia!

Educational Skills Training: Fidamar and Teach For Peru in Mining Communities

Fidamar, in partnership with Enseña Perú, has concluded a month-long intensive training program for over 50 teachers and administrators from 16 educational centers in artisanal mining communities in the regions of Arequipa and Ayacucho. The main focus of the program was to strengthen the socio-emotional skills of teachers, essential for guiding and shaping children and youth in their growth and learning.

We are convinced of the importance of cultivating resilience, empathy, emotional control, and effective communication in the educational context. These skills go beyond the traditional curriculum, promoting more meaningful learning and building cohesive and enriching educational environments.

We want to express our gratitude to all participants, facilitators, and especially to the #UGEL Camaná, Caravelí, Condesuyos, and Lucanas, for their commitment and certification of the program.

With the completion of this training, we reaffirm our commitment to continue working for the well-being and sustainable development of our artisanal mining communities. #MAPE

Third Annual Report from Fidamar

We are pleased to present our third annual report, which provides information on our commitment to the development of artisanal mining communities in Peru and the impact we have generated during 2022 (

Read our 2022 Annual Report in English:…/09/X.-Informe-anual-2022-ENG.pdf

Lisez notre Rapport Annuel 2022 en français:…/09/X.-Informe-anual-2022-FRA.pdf

Itinerant Campaign ‘Mission Health Messengers

Here’s a summary of the itinerant campaign “Mission Health Messengers,” which benefited more than 1500 people of all ages in the localities of Secocha, Venado, Posco-Misky, and San Martín.

Fidamar and the San Juan de Dios Clinic in Arequipa joined forces for a noble cause, bringing health services to the most in-need residents.

Fidamar, a non-profit association formed by Dynacor Group and PX Precinox, aims to contribute to the well-being and sustainable development of vulnerable populations in artisanal mining communities in Peru.